A couple months ago I was looking for a lightweight RFP template to use in finding a new full-service ad agency for one of my fractional Chief Marketing Officer (fCMO) clients. I looked all over the place and couldn’t fnd one I liked. So, I went out and created one.
The content of the doc is below. This seemed to do the trick, striking a balance between being complete and being succinct. And we ended up with a really solid partner. The other part, not covered here, is that we had all of the agencies sign our non-disclosure agreement (NDA), so that they couldn’t share any of the information we provided more broadly.
So, if you’re looking for an ad agency RFP template, feel free to leverage the content below. I wish you well in your search!
<Three to six paragraphs about the company and the assignment>
Scope of Services Needed:
Website management and enhancements
Creative campaign development
Media buying & placement
RFP Timeline:
<Kickoff Date>: Initial release of RFP
<Kickoff +2 Weeks>: Clarification/question calls (if requested)
<Kickoff +3 Weeks>: Response to RFP due by 5:00 PM
<Kickoff +4 weeks>: Finalists selected
<Kickoff +5 weeks>: Finalists present (90 minutes each)
<Kickoff +6Weeks>: Agency Selected
<Internal contact names and phone numbers>
Agency Requirements:
The team that is on the pitch must be the same members who would service the account.
Ability to work as a partner and extension of the internal team
Team members must be strong communicators, flexible, able to pivot, have speed to market and take a partnership approach to managing the business
RFP Response Requirements:
Please be succinct in your answers. If the question can be answered in two sentences vs. two paragraphs, please use two sentences. Extra points will be given for brevity and clarity.
The response must in PDF format.
RFP Questions:
Company Information
Provide your company’s full name, address, web address, and phone number.
Provide contact information for the person who would serve as the primary account contact. Information should include full name, title, address, phone and e‐mail address.
Describe the ownership structure of your company.
Service Capabilities
What services does your company currently offer?
What are your company’s most unique capabilities that differentiate you from your competitors?
List your company’s top 3 strengths. What are you doing to maintain these strengths?
List your company’s top 3 weaknesses. Explain what actions you are taking to improve in these areas.
Company Experience/Competition
Does your company currently or within the past 3 years provide media planning and/or buying service for any dental or healthcare related companies?
Based on your current knowledge of the business, do you have any competing clients?
What is your agency’s position on competitive conflict? How do you currently manage conflict?
Do you agree to not entertain business that competes with our business without our prior knowledge and approval?
Provide a minimum of two (2) current references. References to include full company name, address, contact, phone and email address.
Strategic Planning
Describe your company’s media planning strategy. Include descriptions of any processes or tools.
How do you bring consumer insights into the planning process? How does consumer behavior play into your planning approach?
How do you use research and analytics in the planning process?
How have you addressed the challenge of measuring a campaign's success?
Provide three recent examples of how you brought innovation to your clients.
Walk us through your creative process, from initial concept development to final delivery?
How do you approach understanding a client's brand and goals before starting a project?
What level of client involvement do you typically encourage throughout the creative process?
How do you generate creative concepts and draw inspiration for projects? Can you provide three examples of successful projects where your unique creative approach made a significant impact?
Explain your buying structure and approach (within agency and holding company if applicable).
Please describe your approach and strategy for various vendor opportunities, including cross platform/channel buying strategies, brand integration, content development, etc.
Explain the newest market trends and how these new trends would impact our business.
Describe your agency’s approach to advertising for demand generation. Please provide three examples.
Reporting & Analytics
Describe how you would capture, track and report campaign performance.
Attach sample reports you would provide.
Give an example of how you applied data into insights to a client's business.
Compensation/Financial Proposal
Describe your company’s preferred compensation structure for website management, creative development, planning and buying services.
Based on the information provided, please attach a financial proposal to service and support our marketing needs.
Please provide an overview of how you might staff the account.
Would you use current staff to manage business, or would you need to hire staff to do so? If new hires were necessary, how long would it take to staff sufficiently to service the account?